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João Vitor Alves de Oliveira

Data Engineer


  • Single
  • São Paulo/SP (Brazil)



  • Python

  • SQL

  • AWS

  • Docker

  • Spark

  • Linux

  • Git / GitHub

  • HTML / CSS

  • C#

  • C


  • Native Portuguese

  • Advanced English (C2 Proficient)


ETL and Historical Analysis of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films

Project developed as the final challenge of the Compass UOL iStudio Data & Analytics scholarship program.

Saúde + Solidária

Project developed as part of the college course Integrated Project IV: Development of systems oriented to mobile and web-based devices.

About me

I am a meticulous person with a continuous desire to learn and improve my skills. When challenges arise, I face them head on. I am not afraid of making mistakes, as I see them as a natural part of my ongoing journey of professional and personal growth.
In 2017, I reached a significant milestone by securing first position in the Computer Engineering course at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo - Campus Birigui. There, I had the opportunity to develop a scientific initiation project and present my work at a CONICT congress.
I am currently dedicated to a HomeLab project, in which I am learning how to self-host applications such as Jellyfin, Nextcloud, Nginx and PiHole in the form of Docker containers, with future plans to expand the number of services on my home server.


Compass UOL

08/2024 - Present

Trainee Programmer

Active participation in designing, developing, and implementing scalable and high-performance data architectures on AWS. Configuration and management of data storage services, including Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon RDS. Development and optimization of data pipelines for ingestion, transformation, and loading (ETL) of data in distributed and real-time environments. Creation and maintenance of secure, resilient, and highly available data infrastructures on AWS.

Compass UOL

12/2023 - 05/2024

Intern - AWS Cloud Data Engineering

The fellowship program consisted of bi-weekly sprints focused on practical learning and development. It covered languages such as SQL (MySQL/PostgreSQL) and Python (ETL, PySpark, Jupyter, Pandas and Numpy), Cloud components such as IAM, EC2, S3, CloudWatch, Lambda and Lake Formation, as well as analytical services such as Glue, Athena and QuickSight. It also included topics such as application containerization with Docker, data processing with Spark, and data visualization and modeling.

Federal Institute of São Paulo, IFSP

03/2017 - 11/2017

Scientific Initiation Scholarship

The project consisted of research corroborated with numerous bibliographic references, development of reports on the development of the project and a comprehensive approach to investigating the TerraMA2 platform. The initiative to implement a system for monitoring and issuing alerts for natural disasters stood out. Furthermore, the results were shared through the preparation of an expanded summary, which was presented in the form of a poster as part of the 8th Congress of Scientific and Technological Initiation (CONICT) at the 1st IFSP Conference held at the Cubatão Campus.

Vigor Alimentos S/A

05/2016 - 01/2017

Sales intern

During my internship, I was challenged to improve my interpersonal skills. By making weekly visits to various points of sale, such as bakeries and markets, and managing replenishment according to customer demands for products such as milk, butter, and yogurts, I significantly developed my communication and problem-solving skills. The constant interaction with clients and the need to find solutions in real-time gave me valuable experience in developing these essential skills for the professional environment.


SENAC São Paulo

2022 - 2025

Analysis and systems development

During my undergraduate studies, I was selected for the Compass UOL iStudio Data & Analytics scholarship program, lasting 5 months. During this period, I gained significant practical experience with various technologies and delved deeper into the area of ​​data engineering.

Federal Institute of São Paulo, IFSP (Campus Birigui)

2017 - 2018 (Incomplete)

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

Approved in 1st place by SISU, I secured a scientific initiation scholarship from the first semester at the university. I presented my work at the 1st IFSP Conference held on the Cubatão campus at the end of the year. Furthermore, I demonstrated my programming skills by participating in the XXII SBC Programming Marathon - First Phase in the same year.


Amazon Web Services

May 2024

Certified Cloud Practitioner

Validates knowledge of fundamental cloud computing services and practices on AWS.

View credential

December 2023

English Certificate (C2 Proficient)

Certified with a score of 98/100 on the EF SET certification test, attesting to proficiency in English.

View credential